Dear friends!
As we say “hello” to this second wave of COVID, and “goodbye” to the affable weather, we are inevitably forced indoors. This year, the task of staying fit may prove to be more challenging than ever, and so I wanted to give you some helpful tips on how to set up your virtual classroom, so that clicking a button on your computer, feels as much like entering the gym as possible.
1. Set a mood
Part of the appeal of taking classes in a gym the environment. Before class, we instructors create an environment by setting the lights, cueing up music, and preparing the space. Now the space is yours, so take a minute to dim your lights, prepare your equipment, set your camera, and cue up some sweet tunes.
2. Practice signing in to Zoom
Practice makes perfect! Getting familiar with the technologies around you can be a fun learning experience, and it also makes life so much easier. Zoom has a ton of user-friendly features that can be customized to your tastes. So don’t be afraid to play around with it on your own time. I promise, it’ll be worth it!
3. Vantage points
The most important thing when taking a virtual class is that you can see the instructor. Unfortunately, we can’t see much of you, so don’t worry so much about what your camera is showing me. Turn your Zoom settings to “speaker view'“ and try placing your laptop at eye-level. And remember, the bigger the screen, the better.
4. Play music
Music is such a wonderful fitness tool. Not only does it sound good, but it keeps us accountable with tempo, it aids in rhythmic movement, and it helps us to relax (especially in a stretch class). And remember, I always mute your mic before we start, so no one can hear you. So go ahead and blast those sweet tunes!
Lastly, I would like to thank you for showing up, and for donating. We have some tough winter months ahead of us, no doubt, but with a little preparation and some forward-thinking, we will all make it to the other side. Healthy.
Love and Cats,